Thursday, July 10, 2008

i thought i should write something to explain these then i thought against it, i may put something afterwards i may not, but you will never know for i could change this post and pretened that this never happened, but then you may think that if i was going to do that why would i tell you about it...


felicity said...

I think i still really love the photograph with the row of chairs - imagine it printed up nice and big....ooooh. I also like the one you chose for you're title block.

felicity said...

actually - there are quite a few that I love. I like the one with your shadow in it, i like the blurry one of a new york city street (?), just in general I think you and what you do is wonderful - except when you're stinky


Andrewrobards said...

enigmatic...these photos look great! - keep it up old chap!